Ministries Overview
"But before people can ask the Lord for help, they must believe in Him; and before they can believe in Him, they must hear about Him; and for them to hear about the Lord, someone must tell them." Romans 10:14
At Mt. Zion ministries offer opportunities to serve others in many different ways with our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. While monetary support is always appreciated it is also good to be part of a hands-on ministry. Ministry Volunteers
During the Worship hour on Sunday morning one blessing to offer as the body of Christ is prayer. Please pray for the presence of the Holy Spirit to be with us remembering our pastor and his message as well as the listeners, our congregation. You may consider volunteer service during Worship as a laity Scripture Reader; Usher-Greeter; sharing the Children's Message; helping prepare Communion elements; singing in the Choir, being part of a Discipleship skit; support with technology; helping to support Children's Church or as a Nursery Helper. Talk to our pastor or our church secretary about your interests. If you are a volunteer please contact the office to view our password protected Volunteer Schedules online.
Praying MinistriesJoin our Email Prayer Chain Ministry for opportunities to daily offer prayer or praise for others or to submit prayer requests. You may also enjoy receiving our Mt. Zion News about coming events and updates on opportunities to participate in ministries. Contact Us
Prayer ShawlsPrayer Shawls are prayerfully created and then blessed at the altar before sharing with persons in need of comfort. All are invited to submit shawls. Contact our church office for more information concerning this important ministry.
Children's MinistriesVisit our Youth & Children's website to learn more about our MZ Youth Fellowship, Love Bears for Christ, Mission trips, Children’s Church, Children’s Ministries, seasonal special events and summer time Vacation Bible School.
Mt. Zion serves as a delivery point with our local Lower Currituck Meals on Wheels program. Help deliver county prepared meals one day per week to shut-ins who live in our area. Contact the church office to join the team.
Our local I.C.O or Interfaith Community Outreach is located in the back of Mt. Zion United Methodist Church seeks volunteers on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. In addition, the Lower Currituck Food Pantry near Food Lion seeks volunteers to package food and other duties. The Red Wagon ministry supports families in need of other necessary but non-food items on the last Tuesdays of each month.
Volunteers are always appreciated in helping to maintain our Prayer Garden, Community Food Garden and landscaping the grounds in our Clean Cut ministry. If you like the outdoors, these may be the ministries God made for you!
Questions? Contact Us! |
Volunteers may sign-up on the narthex bulletin board for ministries or contact our church office for more information.
Consider serving in Ecumenical Ministries such as the Lower Currituck Food Pantry and the Interfaith Community Outreach.
Or, during Worship volunteers serve as Liturgist, Usher-Greeters, Acolytes, Choir, Nursery Helpers, the Children's Message and Children's Church. Also, the United Methodist Men, the Joyful Hearts Ladies Bible Study, Sunday School classes support ministries and invite you to join them!
Consider serving in Ecumenical Ministries such as the Lower Currituck Food Pantry and the Interfaith Community Outreach.
Or, during Worship volunteers serve as Liturgist, Usher-Greeters, Acolytes, Choir, Nursery Helpers, the Children's Message and Children's Church. Also, the United Methodist Men, the Joyful Hearts Ladies Bible Study, Sunday School classes support ministries and invite you to join them!